Late Principal Amrit Prasad Pradhan established Amrit field with a read to push the study of science and technology in Kingdom of Nepal. He threw himself heart and soul into its development. The field has benefited greatly from his spirit of enterprise, dedication and enthusiasm.[citation needed] whereas on a mission to the u. s. for a cause connected with the faculty, he died in AN air crash over mountain peak on January twenty four, 1966
Amrit field (ASCOL), set within the heart of Katmandu natural depression, is that the just one pure science field of the country.
The field may be a government establishment, with partial decentralization, related to Tribhuvan University. The field offers totally different fields of study at Bachelor and Master's level. (It was providing Proficiency Certificate level too however as a result of recent ending of PCL, it's not a part of this school.) The courses offered by ASCOL ar
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics(M), Statistics(S), Physics(P), Botany(B), Zoology(Z),Chemistry (C), surroundings (E) and biological science (m)(General B.Sc.)
The combos potential ar PSM,PCM,ESM,EPM,ECZ,CBZ,mCZ,mBC,ECZ,EBC

Bachelor of Science in engineering science and knowledge Technology (B.Sc. CSIT)
Master of Science in arithmetic (M.Sc. Mathematics)
Master of Science in Physics (M.Sc. Physics)
Master of Science in Chemistry (M.Sc. Chemistry)
Master of Science in phytology (M.Sc. Botany)
Department of Physics
Department of Chemistry
Department of arithmetic
Department of Statistics
Department of zoological science
Department of phytology
Department of biological science
Department of surroundings
Department of engineering science and knowledge Technology(CSIT)
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